Home: your place to rest and recharge
It was so good to sit down with Cristiana Fernandes, owner of Spaces + Senses for our first She Fire guest interview! It's been 10 years...
Mar 28, 2019

Equinox: Peace, Harmony and Balance
Happy Equinox ✨ Today we have a 12 hour day and 12 hour night, a day of perfect balance before moving into the longer days and nights...
Mar 21, 2019

Plug into your inner news source
Do you notice that every mainstream news source (television, radio, newspaper, online news sources), ALL have the same talking points and...
Mar 20, 2019

Womb Consciousness
“A number of womb sites across the world were aligned to the constellation of Cygnus – the celestial swan – said to be the vulva and Womb...
Mar 15, 2019

Clearing patterns in your Motherline
“You might have inherited not just your grandmother’s knobby knees, but also her predisposition toward depression caused by the neglect...
Mar 14, 2019

Uranus in Taurus, New Moon in Pisces, Mercury Retro
Today is a busy day in the skies! Mercury went retrograde so the next few weeks are excellent for reviewing, revisiting, reorganizing,...
Mar 7, 2019