Reality vs Reality Show
Neo, Matrix Reloaded There is an old parable that goes something like this. A man was walking toward a town. He came across an old, wise...
Jul 25, 2019

Plutonic Lunar Eclipse
This week's Lunar Eclipse was right next to Pluto. Pluto is the deep scuba-diver who will take you to the midnight zone, that part of the...
Jul 19, 2019

Lunar Eclipse and The Sandman
Today we had a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (24 degrees), with Pluto almost right alongside it (22 degrees) adding to the emotional...
Jul 17, 2019

Eclipses, Earthquakes and Epstein
On July 2, the US had a Solar Eclipse on their Natal Sun, indicating that something would happen on or around that day that would...
Jul 10, 2019

July Solar Eclipse: Feeling safe and protected
This week’s Solar Eclipse in Cancer is happening pre-dawn July 3 for Australia, and July 2 for most of the rest of the world. Cancer...
Jul 2, 2019