Human Trafficking Awareness
Pic: Operation Underground Railroad July 30 is a day to raise awareness about Human Trafficking, the “fastest growing form of...
Jul 30, 2020

Questions about HCQ
Questions: ✨ Why is there so much media & social media hysteria about Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a potential treatment for Covid, and NO...
Jul 30, 2020

Questions lead to Answers
✨ In times of crisis and confusion, asking questions is one of the ways we try to find clarity. Since March we’ve seen millions of people...
Jul 28, 2020

Team Humanity
I remember my midwife saying to me that midwives always know when a woman has entered the final phase of labour, because it's when she...
Jul 27, 2020

4 July Lunar Eclipse: Revolution
✨ Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested. ✨ The Schumann Resonance is lit up ✨ The 4 July Lunar Eclipse (5 July in Australia) is...
Jul 3, 2020