Gemini Lunar Eclipse: Revealing Truths
Beautiful Jacaranda season coming to a close. Lunar Eclipses reveal that which was hidden in our inner and outer worlds. Revealing,...
Nov 29, 2020

40 Days of Alignment - Get on Board!
Are you doing the 40 days of alignment tips? Get on board! It’s free and here for you daily! (You can do it anytime - if you come across...
Nov 23, 2020

Last week was NAIDOC week in Australia. NAIDOC Week is a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres...
Nov 15, 2020

Happy Diwali
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, marks the Hindu New Year and is celebrated by over a billion people all over the world. Diwali symbolises...
Nov 14, 2020

World Kindness Day
Be kind to yourself Be kind to others - you never know what someone is going through Don’t type something on social media when commenting...
Nov 12, 2020

Energy Burst
If you’ve been feeling lethargic, unmotivated or generally not quite yourself, we have some very energetic astro influences now to help...
Nov 12, 2020

11/11-21/12: 40 Days of Alignment
11:11 on 11/11 40 days until Dec 21, 2020 which has Jupiter together with Saturn at 0 Aquarius heralding a big turning point for...
Nov 10, 2020

A Message on Unity & the US Election
Artwork by @JelenaMrkich: “There emerges from the raising of our hands, the vision and vote in favour of the round table.” Unity isn’t...
Nov 9, 2020

Simple breathing exercise to help anxiety
If you are feeling anxiety: Close your eyes Breathe in slowly counting to 10 Breathe out slowly counting back down from 10 to 1 Repeat...
Nov 4, 2020

Election pre-Pluto Return
Sending a tonne of light to everyone in the US today. As a country you are right on the cusp of your “American Revolution” Pluto Return...
Nov 3, 2020