Mar 7, 2019
Uranus in Taurus, New Moon in Pisces, Mercury Retro
Today is a busy day in the skies! Mercury went retrograde so the next few weeks are excellent for reviewing, revisiting, reorganizing,...

Mar 22, 2018
Flow with the current of your Soul
Mercury goes into retrograde today. I've lost count of how many appointment times I've had to change this week be it to do with work,...

Dec 19, 2016
Pluto & Mercury: you can't stop transformation that is due
Astrology never fails to amaze me. Today Mercury goes retrograde almost on Pluto, the day the US Electoral College cast their vote. I...

Aug 31, 2016
Mercury retro: distractions and details
Mercury retrograde starts today on 29 Virgo. I just got a call from a client I haven't seen in 5 years who called my number by accident -...

Apr 29, 2016
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: Self Value & Worth
Heads up - Mercury Retrograde officially starts today. This can send phones, computers, electronics etc haywire so if you've been getting...

Oct 12, 2015
From retrograde shadow into new clarity
Photo Credit Coming out of these retrograde/shadow periods is like emerging from a cloud that was making it hard to feel fully 'clear' -...