Jul 20, 2017
Identity Breakdowns + Breakthroughs (my own and yours)
Are you feeling a massive shift within where you aren't really sure who you are anymore or where you're going? I've been going through...

Jul 7, 2017
Cap Full Moon intensity
There's a Full Moon in Cap (17 deg) this Sunday 9 July, and you're likely already feeling it. Jax was born on a Full Moon. For his first...

Dec 19, 2016
Pluto & Mercury: you can't stop transformation that is due
Astrology never fails to amaze me. Today Mercury goes retrograde almost on Pluto, the day the US Electoral College cast their vote. I...

May 26, 2016
Being the 'new' you around your 'old' life
A question came through on the Let Love In page* regarding how much more easeful it is to 'rechoose' who you are while travelling eg...

Nov 3, 2015
Cocoon time
Jax's kindy project! It's been so cool watching the silkworms plumpen up, and now they are forming their golden cocoons! I'm sure a lot...

Oct 21, 2015
Transformation triggers on over-drive
Solar flares? Nope. Huge astrological alignments? Not really. Crazy, mega intense, huge, fast and furious energies around this week? Yes...

Aug 20, 2015
Transformation from inner and outer travels
Back home after an awesome 3 months based in Mexico and the US! Travel is always so transformative, a kind of world between worlds, a...