May 18, 2017
Venus busts out of shadow
Venus finally leaves her Shadow period today, which means that if you have had a major situation playing out since March 5 (with a lead...

Apr 14, 2017
Venus Direct: time to receive
After 6 weeks of Retro motion, Venus the planet of love, relationships, beauty, harmony, the Feminine, Women, self-worth, self-love and...

Apr 9, 2017
Retrogrades: renewals and reviews
With Saturn having gone Retrograde a few days ago and Mercury starting his Retro journey tomorrow, these two planets join Venus and...

Mar 3, 2017
Venus Retro: Reflect on your value and values
Venus goes retrograde this weekend from March 5 - April 15. This 6 week period happens every couple of years, often triggering us if...

Oct 12, 2015
From retrograde shadow into new clarity
Photo Credit Coming out of these retrograde/shadow periods is like emerging from a cloud that was making it hard to feel fully 'clear' -...

Sep 7, 2015
Venus Direct: What did you learn?
Credit: Richard Stephen Venus has gone direct after her 43 day retrograde journey. Take a look back at the last 6 weeks: what has life...

Aug 10, 2015
Bring back the Goddess!
Dear Instagram head honcho's, How very Venus Retrograde of you to ban #goddess! It is so fascinating to see you being triggered by...

Aug 10, 2015
Venus love and triggers
Venus is well into her 40 day Retrograde period. She governs all things related to our sense of self-love, self-worth and self-value. Our...

Jun 22, 2015
Venus Shadow starts today
Birth of Venus, Sandro Botticelli Today Venus enters the territory over which she will retrograde as of July 25, heralding the start of...