August Message: Riders on the Storm
Image from Tiny Buddha There is so much noise out there. The current environment feels like an extended family reunion dinner where...
Aug 6, 2021

July Message: Personal and Collective Sovereignty
Think about our Collective Humanity experiencing harmony, unity and together creating the best possible reality for ourselves (as a...
Jul 9, 2021

Solar Maximum here we come!
Image: Space Weather Live How did you sleep last night? The Sun has had an X class solar flare, the largest in 4 years. It happened on...
Jul 4, 2021

Solar Eclipse: What was happening for you in 2002?
What was happening in your life on or around June 10, 2002? On that day there was a Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Gemini. Cut to June...
Jun 9, 2021

Text in image says: “Instead of choosing to merely exist, I urge you to experience Life. I urge you to Live” This month’s She Fire theme...
Jun 4, 2021

June Message: Shore up your mosquito net
Image Source Have you ever had trouble getting to sleep because of a single mosquito buzzing around? For something so small, it can be...
Jun 4, 2021

Lunar Eclipse + A note about Astro movements
Today we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 deg of Sagittarius, opposite 5 deg of Gemini. Look for those degrees in your natal chart to...
May 25, 2021

Do more of what makes your heart and soul happy
This book like so many has been on my shelf for years, for when I “have time” to read it This year I’ve taken a massive step away from...
May 8, 2021

New Interview: Energies of 2021-2023
It was wonderful to be interviewed by the lovely Sanna Karlsson, from Bodhish, Stockholm Sweden. Sanna is an energy intuitive and a...
May 4, 2021

Uncomfortable Week of Growth
We have a lot of challenging astro aspects this week that on one hand will trigger a lot of people out of their comfort zone, yet on the...
Apr 26, 2021