Chapter 1: Vision of a new world

Are you experiencing profound, intense shifts in your life?
Wondering what is going on as you look at the major changes happening all over the world?
Humanity is at a crossroads. Now is the time to remember who you really are and do what you came here to do.
A new chapter in our evolution lies before us. Each of us is a page within it. Each of us has a part to play in determining what this new chapter looks like. All you have to do to make your page the best possible is be your true self. A New Chapter is your personal guidebook showing you the way.
Australian Energy Intuitive, Conscious Evolution Teacher, Writer & Speaker Dana Mrkich merges spiritual insights with practical wisdom gained from a lifetime of experiences and years working with thousands of clients all around the world.
You will be inspired and empowered to listen to your instincts, feel your feelings and speak your truth. One by one we can do this. The planet and humanity need you.
"A vision of hope in a world seemingly gone mad. Dana Mrkich makes sense of it all with powerful insights and practical advice you can use to herald the consciousness shift taking place within us all." - David Rippe, Author of THE FLIP-TURN YOUR WORLD AROUND
"A guidebook to a future we have yet to create...Dana Mrkich is truly one of Australia's global citizens and emissaries of personal and cultural transformation." - Robert Rabbin, Author of REAL TIME SPEAKING: YOU ARE THE MESSAGE.
"A New Chapter is a wonderful book encouraging us to live our dreams without forgetting our brothers and sisters, showing us that only the energy of living within generates the ability to live in peace and love with all humanity. Create a New Reality...YES!" - Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli, President, World Spirit Forum
"This book left me with a glorious sense of empowerment, and excitement about being alive at such a crossroads for the earth's and humanity's progress...the message is simple yet revolutionary; a joy to read." - Desanka Vukelich, Freelance Editor
"There are more and more of us worldwide looking for books like this one. We are the ones looking for ways to come out with our own truth, our own inner knowing of what's good, decent and right, and what we don't want to put up with anymore in our society, in our humanity or in our selves. A New Chapter sets the stage to encourage us to live our own truth." - Barbara Harris Whitfield, RT Author and therapist, Author of Spiritual Awakenings, Co-Author of The Power of Humility
“Just want to thank you for all the wisdom you share with the world. Your book is one of the best and maybe the best book that I have ever read in regards to what is happening with us as people, souls on this planet. The words are simple, full of clarity and resonate with a truth that is undeniable.” – Kees, USA
"The world needs this book - and most amazingly of all I think the world is ready for this book. Each chapter fills me with more excitement than the last!" - Rebecca, Sydney Australia
"I love the way you've written the book, it's so accessible to everyone and it's tying together so much of what I have learned, experienced and felt from a young age. It's not watered down, it's very real. You have inspired me to be more of me." - Amy, Sydney, Australia
"Confirmation of my beliefs, my thoughts about the future, of my own spiritual growth and journey and more. A beautiful book, I believe that every person who is on this earth should get this information." - Michelle, Sweden
"A great book! I usually randomly open up book,and where ever it lands gives me just what I need. Also have purchased as gift, and recommended to others. Dana Mrkich just writes in way that I feel is easy and helpful to anyone." - Sherry, Amazon Reviewer
"I've been reading her site for some time now and she is always so spot on! Instead of coming from a place of fear, she comes from a place of love and gratitude which makes all the difference in the world. Her writings gracefully guide you to take a deeper look at your self and address issues that are standing in your way and inhibiting you from creating a life that is perfect for you (yes, her writing is very graceful, best word I can use to describe it).
Also, she is probably one of the most non-judgemental people I've read. This book is no different. I haven't finished this book yet and will update when I have, but so far her style is the same as the site I've been reading for years. I just wanted to put this out there in case someone was on the fence about ordering this book, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!" - J M Ravinet, Amazon Reviewer