As an Energy Intuitive, Holistic Coach/Mentor, Workshop & Course Facilitator, Author, Writer, Speaker and Radio Host, for the past 25 years Dana Mrkich has worked with thousands of people all over the world.
Dana is passionate about helping people to connect with greater truth, deeper awareness, and higher potential, both personally and collectively, as a pathway to authentic power and freedom.
On any given week these days she can be found teaching Mindfulness and Gratitude workshops to Fortune 500 Companies, hosting Zooms to support people emotionally through the uncertainty of these times, creating new content for her She Fire Library, writing her popular Monthly Messages, conducting Soul Sessions – and making sure to practice self-care as the foundation to sustain it all!
Dana juggles this with ‘mum life’, living in Sydney, Australia with her husband Christian and their son Jaxon. They love spending time in nature, doing big bushwalks and recharging at the beach.
For her latest posts, events and other updates subscribe to Dana’s Monthly Newsletter
As a workshop facilitator, keynote speaker, and holistic coach/mentor, Dana Mrkich has worked with thousands of people all over the world, encouraging and guiding them to live a more fulfilling life.
For more than 20 years, Dana has passionately run multiple businesses; all focused on helping people thrive physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In 1998 she co-founded WAKIMBO, one of Australia’s first ‘journal’ brands promoting journaling as a tool for personal growth. With an extensive product line, and an online portal featuring motivational tips and meditations, WAKIMBO was featured in multiple Australian newspapers and magazines including Good Medicine, Cosmo, The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Telegraph.
Dana went on to coach and mentor thousands of individuals all around the world, something she continues to do today. She is the creator of several online courses, with her course “Create a Life you Love” initially launching on Daily Om, a leading US-based provider of wellness courses. As a writer, her articles have been featured in Body + Soul, Woman’s Day, Lifestyle You, NineMSN, Empower Magazine, Insight, and Conscious Living. Dana is also the author of ‘A New Chapter’.
As a dynamic speaker, Dana has delivered motivational talks at conferences and events in Australia, the US and Europe. In 2005 she was the only Australian Speaker at the United Nations-affiliated World Peace Congress in Italy. Dana has produced and hosted two radio shows, interviewing inspirational thought leaders, spiritual teachers and entrepreneurs.
As a Holistic Services Group facilitator, Dana tailors her presentations to the needs of your team. Topics include Mindfulness, Work-Life Balance, Managing Burnout, Coping with Uncertainty, Transitions and Change, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Stress Management, Goal-Setting, Gratitude for Happier Living, The Impact of Attitude on Work and Life, and Moving through Grief and Loss.
Dana holds a BA in Communications majoring in Social Inquiry with a Diploma of Journalism. She has qualifications in holistic counselling, a number of holistic modalities, business studies, media production and presenting. She has travelled extensively to over 35 countries. Dana is currently pursuing her MA in Women’s Spirituality and Social Justice. She juggles her work with family life and being a mum.
“Thank you, Dana, for the wonderful session! I have felt so much lighter brighter and empowered ever since, even during some huge challenges. I have had many realisations and answers to questions…This is just the beginning of an exciting journey for me!” – Bernie, Coaching Client
“Thank you, Dana, so much, the course was more than I expected & helped me in so many areas of my life. I absolutely loved it!!!” – Jasna, Course Participant
Dana was born 11 March 1973 in Sydney, Australia. A lifelong truthseeker, Dana started awakening to her purpose in her early 20's.
"I wanted to study journalism or psychology after I graduated high school but ended up doing a Marketing Diploma and worked in the luxury hotel business for a few years. I had a deck of tarot cards and colleagues regularly came into my office for a secret reading! I'd also do readings for my mum's friends and was as blown away as they were by what came through. That feeling of amazement and the humility that comes with knowing there is something bigger than us, guiding us, never left me in the 20 years I did Soul Sessions for people (1995-2015)."
In 1995 Dana quit hotels, put on a backpack and travelled through Europe, the US and Mexico.
"That trip, especially the visits to sacred sites and pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, accelerated my personal awakening process and activated a lot of my soul memory. I came back a different person, or rather more 'me', and I can say the same thing about every one of my travelling trips. I had always had visions of a world very different to the one I saw around me, and pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together about this calling I felt inside me to help create that new world, to help others awaken to who we really are and to the greater reality that we all come from, and that is all around us right now. "
On her return Dana started working for Wellbeing Magazine, and obtained qualifications in a number of healing modalities including Remedial Massage, Reiki I and II, Holistic Counselling and Intuitive Development.
1998 saw her join forces with sister Jelena Mrkich, a creative artist and designer who was ready to launch her own brand of products. MESHA was born. Every weekend Dana and Jelena could be found at markets all over Sydney including the famous Paddington Markets selling Jelena's handmade, environmentally-friendly journals, notebooks and crystal packs.
More travels, this time to India for a couple of months. After that, MESHA evolved to become WAKIMBO, with the newly revamped business focusing on their unique, blank page journals at a time when it was rare to find a journalling alternative to the standard, plain notebooks.
Dana and Jelena also launched WAKIMBO.Com, an online sanctuary encouraging journalling as a tool for personal growth. The site included journalling prompts, motivational tips, articles and meditations as well as their online store. WAKIMBO was featured in multiple Australian newspapers and magazines including Good Medicine, Cosmo, The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Telegraph.
"I have been journalling since age 11, and would have to say that the majority of my own personal inner work occurred over literally thousands of pages of journal-writing."
Early 2001 Dana and Jelena decided to end the business as they were both expanding in new directions.
Dana embarked on a Communications Degree, majoring in Social Inquiry. With a growing client base, gathered over years of word of mouth requests and work at Mind Body Spirit Festivals, she also started offering Soul Sessions at a healing/wellbeing centre, and began writing what would become her first book.
"The tarot cards were a great way to develop my intuitive muscle but more and more I stopped looking down at them and received information just by tuning into the person and allowing the information to flow. I knew it was time to let go of the cards when people kept saying 'You're right, but which card told you that?" and I had to explain that their own energy was providing the information, not the cards! (I still highly recommend any form of oracle card for people starting out wanting to build their intuitive muscle, as well as in general for those who prefer working with that support). My mum, herself an artist and healer, encouraged me to get my clients onto the healing table, hold my hands over them, and receive information that way. I remember saying "I can't do that!!". She said "Yes you can." So I did, and that was really the start of a whole new chapter of my intuitive work, card-free."
A pivotal turning point arrived in September 2002, when Dana, Jelena and their sister Kristina lost their mother Miki Mrkich, only three months after her diagnosis of stage 4 cancer.
"I feel like she very much started helping and guiding me from the non-physical. After she passed, my entire life and direction felt clearer and more focused."
In 2003 the uni degree went on hold while Dana conducted regular client sessions, created and taught her first course Walking the Rainbow Path, while also producing and hosting her first radio show TruthSeeker on a local community radio station. She also completed a Diploma in Freelance Journalism.
In 2004 Dana's articles started appearing in holistic publications including Australia's Living Now, and the online Planet Lightworker, and Children of the New Earth. A summer trip to Europe with her sisters triggered a desire to move to the Northern Hemisphere. She transferred her degree, and completed it in 2005 at London's Westminster University adding Media Production alongside the Social Inquiry major.
While living in London, Dana was invited as the only Australian Speaker to the United Nations affiliated World Peace Congress in Verbania, Italy. Her speech Creating our New Reality focused on the role of the media in shaping societal perceptions about our collective reality and potential, and called for a massive shift and transformation with the information media present. She also completed the final draft of her first book A New Chapter, and began the long process of finding a publisher.
Back in Sydney Dana continued to write, with articles appearing over the years since in multiple print and online publications including Body + Soul, Woman's Day, Lifestyle You, NineMSN, Empower Magazine, Insight, Conscious Living, Diva Village and She Said.
After a sessions hiatus while in London, Dana resumed seeing clients in Australia. Soul Sessions expanded to include phone and skype sessions, evolving soon after to what became her speciality: Written downloads conducted for thousands of people all over the world.
In 2007 Dana met her life partner Christian...again! They had been friends in the early 90's and briefly dated, then lost touch for 14 years until a series of synchronicities re-connected them.
In 2008 Dana partner-published A New Chapter (Zeus Publications), with Dana taking full control of it in 2010 under her own publishing umbrella DonStar Publishing.
During 2008-09, Dana and Christian spent 15 months travelling through the US, South & Central America, with Dana continuing to conduct her Soul Sessions, promote her book, and write her popular Monthly Visions which ran from 2007-2014. Monthly Visions featured regularly in blog and video format on Spirit Library, where Dana's work has received over 1 million views.
In 2009 Dana wrote and launched her first online course Create a Life you Love, which featured for a couple of years on Daily OM and is now available here.
An Earthships internship for Christian saw them back in the US for a few months in 2010. While there Dana spoke at several events: the Star Knowledge Conference at the Four Corners, the Santa Fe Holistic Fair, and the Bodhi Tree Bookstore in LA.
In 2011 Dana and Christian were thrilled to announce they were expecting their first child. Their son Jaxon was born in November at home, in water, under the care of two beautiful midwives.
"I didn't know how much being a mother would change me (for the better), how much love the heart feels, how big your heart keeps getting. Motherhood has made me confront issues new and old, it has taught me on a whole new level about things like living in the moment and letting go, things I thought I knew."

Since the birth of Jax Dana has focused on being a mum as full time as possible while, until 2015, continuing written Soul Sessions and expanding her work in between baby/toddler stage nap times, pre-school and now Kindergarten!
In 2012 she expanded Monthly Visions to include Monthly Visions Video Versions. She also joined with friend Lee Harris for an evening seminar in Sydney: Shift Happens.
In 2014 as the collective energies accelerated, Monthly Visions made way for more regular blogs and energy reports.
2014 also saw Dana writing and launching her second online course Let Love In.
In 2015 Dana expanded her online courses to include weekly webcasts and private online forums, and started thinking about potential new directions. As part of this overall expansion and time for change, Dana made the huge decision to end her Soul Sessions after seeing clients on and off for 20 years.
"There are so many reasons it was time. There is so much I want to do, new projects like this site, more writing, more courses, and there are only so many hours in a day. Aside from that, the energies have most definitely shifted into ones that are calling on everyone to step into a greater level of responsibility and empowerment around their own self-growth. I love saying 'here are the tools, here are the exercises, here is the online support forum, we are all here for you as you find the answers within you'.
That year Dana, Christian and Jax spent 3 months in Mexico and the US, with Christian undertaking the profound, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually challenging 4 day Lakota Sundance Ceremony on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, a place he has been visiting regularly for 20 years. This was the completion of a gratitude committment Dana and Christian made when a Lakota medicine man did a ceremony for them to help conceive Jaxon. The time away was a time to re-charge and get renewed clarity about their mutual creative directions. Trinity Jewels by Christian is here.
Dana returned with a new vision for her site and a new energy guiding her. SHE - the Feminine Divine, and the Feminine within - was calling loud and clear. Becoming a mum, followed by what became 4 years of trying to conceive their second baby, played a big part in birthing a new focus and ways of being.
In 2017 Dana launched her 13 Week Circle She Fire, and started an MA in Women, Gender, Spirituality & Social Justice.