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11/11-21/12: 40 Days of Alignment

11:11 on 11/11

40 days until Dec 21, 2020 which has Jupiter together with Saturn at 0 Aquarius heralding a big turning point for humanity.

How would you like to use these 40 days to make sure that your personal contribution to this coming new chapter is the best possible?


* 5 minutes closed eyes and deep breathing last thing at night and first thing in the morning

* 40 days of journaling or crayon drawing, ask: What do I need to know today? What part of me is ready to be seen? What am I ready to let go of?

* Commitment to daily time in nature, a self-care practice or exercise

* Daily gratitude: what are 3 good things that happened today, or what do I appreciate today?

Choose one thing that you can realistically commit to do daily for 40 days, or set an alarm for “daily alignment time” and mix it up doing something different each day

This is a powerful yet also gentle window to get clear, centred, and aligned with your soul.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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