Isla Mujeres and the Awakening Feminine
We are off to Isla Mujeres tomorrow, Women's Island. There I'll visit the ancient ruins of the Temple of Ix-Chel, Mayan Goddess of Love, Fertility, Midwifery and Medicine.

Image: Sharon McLeod
The island and Ixchel have been calling me like a magnet since we got to Playa just over a week ago. This is my third time here and I've never felt this strong a pull to go there.I will be taking some offerings for her, and saying some prayers. I invite you to say a prayer for something that is in your heart, not to write here but just to hold in your heart, and tomorrow as I visit I will pray that she hear those prayers in your heart.
As a thank you that your prayers are answered in a good way, in the best way for all, make an offering of your own to this beautiful representative of the Divine Feminine: offer a flower to the ocean, plant a seed, do whatever feels right to you. We used to be so in touch with this way of living. Then when we woke up many of us, myself included, focused on our connection to Spirit, to the Masculine aspect of the Divine. For many of us the Feminine remained repressed or under-valued, yet now she is awakening our bodies, hearts and souls.
The continuation of her repression tends to create extremes of depression or explosive outbursts. Our feminine within is seeking release, creative expression, and acknowledgement.
The Feminine wants you to Receive. In receiving you are able to give everything.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2015
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