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Shaken not stirred: coming out of the Eclipses

SHAKEN NOT STIRRED: Even though the recent Solar and Lunar Eclipses were only 2 days in the calendar, we are still within the effect period.

Eclipses can have a direct impact on your life in the 2 weeks - and in some cases 1 month - prior to occurring, and after occurrence. It's kind of like when a wave comes rushing in from the ocean. Yes there is the moment of crashing onto the shore, but just as relevant is the lead up as the wave builds, and then the gravitational pull as the tide captures everything in its way and draws it into the ocean.

So over the last month you may have had some big things happen, be they external changes or inner shifts, or breakdowns or breakthroughs. A lot of people are going through major identity crises/transformations, and feeling a need to overhaul their life in some way.

Now, generally speaking, this is a natural result of the overall evolutionary process we are in right now. Old ways of being are dismantling, and new parts of ourselves are emerging, just like a snake shedding its skin and wriggling out as a new version of itself. But then astrological alignments come along, like an eclipse season, and essentially speed things up, clarifying and crystallizing things, making you highly aware that situation xyz can't go on any longer, or that dream abc needs to get moving forward.

Confusion can also reign, because as one thing, relationship, job or part of your identity is being washed out, the new thing/relationship/job/identity doesn't usually arrive the next day! So lots of us are going through void periods where there is a sense of who the hell am I anymore, and where am I going, and what do I want to be doing, and do I even resonate with this thing or that thing anymore?

During void times, it is usually wise not to make any sudden decisions. Void times are a time to reflect, rest, take a step back, do things to help you get clear and centred (meditation, journalling, going for a walk, going to the beach, get off the topic and go do something fun), and from that space allow your next steps to come to you.

The New Moon in Aries next Thursday marks a new period, so if you are still feeling like you are in the eclipse's washing machine spin and rinse process, things should feel lighter or clearer from then.

How are you all feeling?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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