The new paradigm of feminine fire

What do these gorgeous women have in common?
They have just turned 70 or are about to, except for the awesome Buffy Saint-Marie who is a spectacular 75. They all look fabulous. They all continue to work on new projects, speak their truth, engage in activism, and express their creative fire.
Welcome to the new reality. These divine sparks and so many more to mention, are part of the massive paradigm shift occurring as the sacred, roaring, creative creator She reclaims her place and power on our planet. For too long we have been told what women can and can't do, what we should and shouldn't wear at a certain age, how we should act when we become mothers, and where our limits lie. We have been asked to set aside our strengths - our nurturing natures, our compassion, our feelings, our intuition - if we want to make it in the old world's systems. But the feminine waters are like the pot of boiling water that has been held down for too long. She is bubbling and exploding out now. Her energy is way beyond anything that could possibly ever fit into the old world systems. She is here to create something new. I am in love with these women and so many more who are showing us a new way, blazing the path for all the women behind them, encouraging us through the way they live to keep thriving, keep pushing forward, continue growing, keep blasting down old walls and stereotypes. Welcome to the era where the sacred feminine fire is leading the way, showing us a new version of what is possible in this world.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2016
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