The Power of your Feminine Soul: Video of talk

Last Saturday I had a great time speaking at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne, Australia.
The video of the talk is now up covering things like: * The resurgence of all that has been devalued and repressed around feminine energy
* The great SHE as a Creator Energy in her own right
* The awakening of Mother in all of us: nurturing and nourishing ourselves, our communities, our environment, our world
* Releasing fears we have held associated with stepping into our feminine power (The video stopped recording at this point about a minute before I finished presenting - I ended by talking about the fears we have in our subconscious inherited from our personal as well as collective past, including ancestral energy that says: if you step into your power, if you speak up, if you speak the truth, if you practice the healing arts, you will get in trouble/be criticised or worse. Guided Meditation on connecting with the Feminine coming soon in our NEW Audio Section!!! Stay tuned!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2016
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