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Add your Candle Light

Growing up in the Serbian Orthodox community, we learned to do certain rituals at certain times. One of those things is lighting a candle when someone passes, often keeping it lit for many days. We also light candles to remember those who have passed be it months, years or decades ago.

With today's news coming out of ‪Nice‬ (as well as all the other tragedies daily unfolding around the world), it is natural to feel grief, anger, despair and a stream of other feelings.

So I thought, what can I do right now, what can I say that can help throw a little light out there? I felt to light a candle for those who have passed. Seeing the candle flame, feeling the light of it going out to the light of the souls as they transition home, I felt an energy shift, focusing on those who deserve our focus.

Lighting a candle for the souls who have passed amplifies love in a time of heightened emotion, instead of feeling like you are drowning in hopelessness. It adds love to a pot that has more than enough fear being thrown into it. Love on its own isn't going to solve all our problems, but on days like this - or these days, pretty much every day - where you are wondering well what IS going to solve our problems, and you just have no idea what to do or where to start, it is a simple enough thing to light a candle. If nothing else, it will send good energy out into the world and we definitely could use as much as possible of that.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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