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In the Eclipse tunnel: Up is down, left is right

If you feel like a whirlwind has picked you up and is yet to set you down, it is partly because we are in the middle of two eclipses (Solar on 1 Sep and Lunar on 17 Sep).

An eclipse window is like a fast-moving tunnel that feels like a scene out of the Willy Wonka movie. Up is down and left is right. Unexpected events can hit you out of the blue. Flashes of insight and aha moments can give you crystal clear clarity about issues that have been hazy for years. It is a really good time to journal, meditate or draw it out if you have questions to ask your inner self and shadow aspects. It can be a time of healing and resolution, crisis or great change.

A doorway is opened at the beginning of an eclipse window, and closes at the end (with after-effects felt for months afterward). Time feels different, a lot happens quickly. It is like our souls take over the wheel and we have to go with it, ready or not. Life-altering opportunities and experiences shift your path from one direction to another, just like that.

This eclipse window feels particularly powerful because September this year has some very strong energy moving through it. I'll write more on that tomorrow!

How has your month been so far? x

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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