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September: "I came in like a...rainbow?!"

You know how in Miley Cyrus's song she sings "I came in like a wrecking ball"? Well for the longest time my sister Jelena Mrkich thought Miley was singing "I came in like a rainbow"! 😂🌈 For anyone that knows Jel, this is no surprise. It also perfectly sums up the September energies.

Waves of change are picking us up and taking us where our Soul needs us to go. You might feel like a wrecking ball is crashing into your life, or maybe you're more feeling like you're being carried by a rainbow. You can even feel both these things at the same time, recognising that even in times of demolition there is always a gift, a seed from which the new will grow. Grace and love can still be present amid pain, and actually is often felt even more strongly during those times.

If there is a whirlwind in your life or around you right now, be it wrecking ball or rainbow or a blend of both, know you can always find safe harbour, peace, grace, calm, appreciation and love when you sit with your Soul, feel into your Heart, and breathe gently and deeply. Let your Soul take the wheel, it will be okay.

How are you all today?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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