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Love is the answer

A reader from the US commented recently about the climate in the US right now, saying a lot of people fear what will happen regardless of who wins the election. Cynthia beautifully wrote: "Fear and hate create nothing but rupture. Love lays the physiological foundation for real revolutionary or evolutionary change towards health, balance, and equity."

A lot of the world is looking and wondering what will happen in the US. Even aside from the elections, there is a lot going on, as if all tensions from decades and centuries ago are coming to a head. A lot of it has been festering under the carpet for a long time, and as difficult as it is to witness, and for some experience, the 'release' of this energy, it does all have to come out into public view in order to be changed, and healed for good.

Cynthia is right. It is love that will be the container to receive and transmute this energy. We are not talking philosophically here, this is about love as embodied, supportive, physical actions and behaviour. It will be love that holds people steady as they fear the worst. It is people like you reading this that are there, in the US at this moment in time, for a reason.

Stay strong, be there for those around you, sending love.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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