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Venus Retro: Reflect on your value and values

Venus goes retrograde this weekend from March 5 - April 15. This 6 week period happens every couple of years, often triggering us if there's anything we need to look at regarding love, relationships, money, self-worth, self-value and what/who we value outside of ourselves.

This Venus Retro starts on 13 Aries. Aries calls us to be more bold, assertive and action-oriented. Now Retro periods aren't really a time when action on anything is encouraged, but you'll feel a big inner push with this one to DO something about whatever isn't making you feel good/worthy/valued/loved. And that "doing" may in large part be a major inner soul reflection journey that you find yourself on - that will in turn create changes in your physical life that become more clear once Venus goes direct.

While you may want to take pause when it comes to making life-changing decisions that come from nowhere, it is an excellent time to think about, do some research on, set plans in place etc for those life-changing decisions that start tapping you on the shoulder.

Where physical action and life-changing decisions do often happen in a Venus Retro is any place you finally reach your "enough is enough" moment. The job or relationship that is on its last threads of a rope that has been breaking for some time may finally break fully. The habits that sabotage you may finally be addressed. It's a great time for any kind of counselling or therapy that helps you heal and open to love, self-love and to all you deserve.

Know that anything that is popping up in a big way over this period re love, money, the way you feel about yourself or the way you are treated/treat yourself is presenting a huge opportunity for emotional healing and healing of your own inner feminine and as a consequence your inner masculine too.

Enjoy the Venus Retro, nurture yourself through it and let her heal and open you to all that is good.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2017

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