Identity Breakdowns + Breakthroughs (my own and yours)

Are you feeling a massive shift within where you aren't really sure who you are anymore or where you're going? I've been going through that for a few years which I've mentioned now and again but it's been hard to put into words while I've been in the middle of it because there have been no words a lot of the time. It's just been something I've had to feel my way through. I'm going to do a Facebook Live about it Thurs night US time/Fri lunchtime Aust time (see below) to talk about not only my own changes which are still in process but also about the changes we are all going through these days. I've been tweaking my site slowly slowly to more match the me that's been emerging. This is by no means the finished product, there's still plenty more new to come but finally I feel like I'm clear with this new foundation that's been building slowly and that had to be strong and clear first within before I could even begin to think about translating it outward work-wise. Change doesn't happen overnight and even when it does it takes a while to process and understand wtf you're going through. Usually you have a "fade to black" phase where the old doesn't feel quite right anymore but the new is yet to appear. Then there's the void, the big nothing where you're kinda hanging out in limbo land, no longer where you were, but not sure exactly where you're going. Then come the feelings, the little nudges, the sense that you're meant to move in a particular direction. Still no road map, no address to set on your inner GPS, but the compass swings wildly when you point it North and so off you head. If you keep walking, the clues to your new destination gain momentum. A sign here, a discovery there. Eventually you emerge into a clearing and you see the horizon of your new landscape come into view. Then begins the journey of walking toward it, realising you need to learn a new language, find a new home, create new connections etc. Change, growth and transformation can be overwhelming. Finding your way through a dark forest is almost guaranteed, as is wanting to give up but the other option is to stay stagnant which doesn't feel good on any level. Not everyone will like the new but that's cool. Being true to yourself is one of the most important things you can do for not only your own health, happiness and wellbeing but also for the most genuine, healthy and happy relationships with everyone around you. I"m going to do a Facebook Live on this:
Friday 21 July Noon Sydney Aust time
Thurs 20 July 7pm LA, 10pm New York.
Sorry U.K/Europe peeps !! but you'll be able to watch it later as it's recorded and will stay on my Facebook page.
Really looking forward to having a chat!
Love Dana x
(c) Dana Mrkich 2017