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Womb Consciousness

“A number of womb sites across the world were aligned to the constellation of Cygnus – the celestial swan – said to be the vulva and Womb of the Cosmic Mother, and the celestial origin of our species. Shamanic journeys into Womb Consciousness often involved flying on the back of a magical swan or swan barge into the primordial center of the black hole for a wisdom initiation of death and rebirth. Womb priestesses and shamans wore ritual swan feathers or magnificent white swan cloaks for this journey, later remembered as the shamanic swan wings of angels.

The significance of the Cygnus constellation is that it rests in the “vulva” of the galaxy, the dark rift of the Milky Way through which souls enter or exit the galactic womb – the black “mother” hole at the center of the galaxy. Depictions of this symbolic connection are found in ancient texts and temple carvings across the world. In Mayan lore the galactic center was known as Hunab Ku (Mother Womb).”

- From Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of all Life, by Azra Bertrand M.D, and Seren Bertrand.

If you love info like the above and want to:

* Connect with personal, collective and cosmic womb consciousness with a 15 page workbook * Get links to interesting resources * Do journalling prompts around sacred womb healing * Enjoy a guided womb healing meditation

This is some of what you have access to in the Womb Wisdom Womb Healing section of our She Fire Membership Circle <3

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