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Equinox Balancing

Sep 23 Equinox is always a big day in our family. It's Christian's birthday (celebrating 50!) and its the anniversary of my mum's passing (17 years ✨)

Equinox is all about balance as the length of the day and the night are the same on this day. There is nothing more balancing than having reminders of both life and death on the same day.

Balance helps us to be more whole. Death reminds us to Live more fully. Loss makes us appreciate Love more deeply. Sickness gets us to take care of our Health. Delays, detours and dead ends activate us to find new, better ways forward that we otherwise would never have discovered.

If the see-saw in your life is a bit south right now, ask the higher side: what will help me to get into balance? What perspective shift can help me to see this in a different way?

With this balancing process, take care not to do any spiritual bypassing (bypassing the harder emotions to get to the light ones). Balance isn't about ignoring or avoiding grief or sadness. It's about allowing the full spectrum of all life, of all of you, to be.

Lots of love

(c) Dana Mrkich 2019

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