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Prepping for Pluto/Saturn

After 5 months retrograde, Pluto stationed to go direct a week ago at 20 degrees Capricorn. When planets station to either go retrograde or direct, they create a powerful portal specific to their influence on your life. When it comes to Pluto, this can mean:

  • Deep scuba dives to get to the truth

  • Seeing your shadow more clearly or having confrontations with it via other people

  • The collapse of whatever isn’t working

  • Transformation

  • Death; can be the death of a person, or the ending of a relationship, role, identity, job, habit, perspective, pattern or timeline that ushers in a major life turning point

  • Issues related to power

Look back on the past 7 days.

What main life theme stands out?

Did you have any significant interactions, realisations or events occur?

Has a line been drawn in the sand where you know:

no more can I tolerate/accept/keep doing that?

Do you have an awareness that ready or not, change is knocking on your door?

Is your own power knocking on your door?

Pluto represents the Phoenix rising from the ashes, who knows before you do that rebirth will always come even though you feel like you can't survive the intense process that deep, lasting change requires. It requires a surrender to the will of your Soul, allowing the falling away of what needs to be let go of – and the birth of what needs to be born.

This Pluto Direct is particularly potent because Saturn is hot on his heels, getting ready to catch up for their big meeting on Jan 12, 2020 (at 22 degrees Capricorn). This is serious business in the serious sign of Capricorn...2020 isn't mucking around. Anything that has been percolating is gearing up for a January climax. And just to make sure we are really ready for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, and really ready for the “I’m not here to play games” year that will be 2020, there will be a Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer right opposite the Saturn/Pluto meeting a couple of days before on Jan 10, 2020!!

Pluto represents necessary transformation which usually requires some sort of death and rebirth process. It is also about power: where are we owning it or not? Where are we using it for good or abusing it to the detriment of others? Pluto shows us our shadow, that part of us that we project onto others because it is too uncomfortable to acknowledge or feel. It's our personal blind spot that Pluto brings to our attention when we're ready.

Saturn is all about laying strong foundations, taking responsibility and growing up. It also represents authority, systems and structures. It's the Father...who we often have to take down from the pedestal we've put him on and claim our own inner Father/inner authority. The Father in this case might represent your actual dad, but it also represents anyone who has had authority over us personally or collectively: work bosses, heads of companies, religious institutions, governments.

Lunar Eclipses are about letting go, and seeing what we couldn't see before. They can represent the end of a chapter, closure, a realisation that you needed to have.

So to have all of that happening simultaneously in Saturn’s home sign of Capricorn, well it's safe to say that 2020 is making its intentions clear right from the start.

There will be a LOT playing out on the global/political stage in 2020. Many of you have very specific roles to play whether it is “holding the light” for lack of a better term, sharing the darker truths, or supporting the awakening process in a million different ways. It is VITALLY important that you have a good relationship with both your Pluto and Saturn energy, have worked on these energies within yourself in an adequate way, and continue to work with them as allies over the next 3 months, and moving forward over the 12 months of 2020. Why? In short, that’s how you’re going to get stuff done with maximum power and minimum resistance from either yourself or others.

These two planets are hardcore to say the least. When we avoid or ignore them, it can seem like all life is working against us. When we open our eyes and ask “What do you want me to know/do/remember?” that’s when we more easily can go with the flow of Pluto’s transformation process. That’s when we pay attention to Saturn’s clipboard and to do lists, put our boots on the ground, and methodically do what needs doing.

Working with Pluto:

1) Am I resisting change in any part of myself, my identity, or my life?

2) How do I view power? How am I using my power? How do I want to use my power?

3) What part of me is ready to come out in a bigger way?

4) What kind of person do I continually still bump up against, and what is that trying to teach me?

Working with Saturn:

1) Do I still have any “father” issues?

2) Do I still have any issues with “authority”? What is my relationship like with my inner authority? Do I feel connected to my inner sovereignty?

3) Where do I need to take greater responsibility for my life?

4) How does the energy of “control” show up in my life?

5) What is it that I really want, and what step by step plans/strategies/to do lists/daily actions do I need to put into practice?

6) What comes up for me when I think of stability and security? How can I cultivate a strong inner foundation that is always there for me no matter what? How can I create a stronger outer foundation that supports and sustains me?

There’s plenty here to keep you busy in your journal for a while!

If you need help with any of the points I’m available for private Soul Sessions.

If you love this journalling kind of prompting, check out the She Fire Membership where we explore new themes every month!

Love Dana

(c) Dana Mrkich 2019

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