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Solstice Solar Eclipse

This Sundayโ€™s Summer/Winter Solstice coincides with a Solar Eclipse on 0 degrees Cancer. This last happened: June 21 2001 and June 21 1982 ๐ŸŒž What happened then for you? ๐ŸŒž Is there a pattern or connection of any kind between what happened in each of those years, in your life or for your family? ๐ŸŒž Looking at past eclipses of the same degree can give you some great insights as to the kind of energetic influences that are around you this year. ๐ŸŒž If something happened that wasnโ€™t great, donโ€™t worry and think it will repeat. Look deeper. What was a certain event teaching you? How did it make you grow? What was it teaching you?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020

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