Energy Burst

If you’ve been feeling lethargic, unmotivated or generally not quite yourself, we have some very energetic astro influences now to help you with your get up and go.
Jupiter is with Pluto at 22 Capricorn. Expansion and transformation is the big theme here. This is potentially life changing stuff. If you’re being urged to study something new, spread your wings, investigate topics of interest, dive deep into your shadow or ancestry, the reason and result is that your Soul is wanting you to expand and transform!
Jupiter is also about abundance, good luck and international connections. Pluto can be intense as he collapses things that aren’t in alignment with who we are, he makes us see what we maybe haven’t wanted to see or been ready to see, but he always always leaves us in a better place than we were before...we just sometimes have to be dragged there kicking and screaming!
Jupiter and Pluto have been together a few times this year and this will be the last time before Jupiter saunters off into Aquarius. So this tells us that as challenging as this year has been, it has ultimately been about our personal and collective expansion and transformation. (This doesn’t mean it has been easy or without its traumas.)
Today we also have Mars going direct at 15 degrees Aries, his home sign. Mars is all about physical energy so if you’ve needed motivation to resume a project or your exercise routine here it is. Mars has stamina and drive, and in his healthy form is a symbol of positive masculine energy. He’s also associated with anger, and if he shows up that way look to where are you feeling that your energy is being repressed? Where are you not getting your needs met?
On Sunday we have the New Moon at 23 Scorpio, making a nice angle to Jupiter and Pluto. Scorpio is Pluto’s sign so expect a month titled “Transformation”. Scorpio reveals things that have been secret or hidden, whether in your own psyche or in the world. Jupiter’s influence will make any transformation simultaneously as huge as possible but also as ultimately positive and beneficial as possible.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020