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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Sydney Australia! 2021 is here!

After the year we’ve had, the smallest things we may have taken for granted now feel like our most precious things. There’s nothing like not being able to live life freely to make you realise super clearly - 2020 vision - what you really appreciate, what and who you love, what’s important, what makes life worth living, and what you’ll do the second you get the opportunity.

Write a list of 10 or more things you now value more than ever, appreciate or are looking forward to.

Freedom will be a big theme in 2021. The desire for it. The restriction of it. The right to it. The fight for it. Everyone will aim to get to freedom in their own way, but the common theme without a doubt is freedom.

Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy, safe, happy New Year!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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