New Interview: Energies of 2021-2023

It was wonderful to be interviewed by the lovely Sanna Karlsson, from Bodhish, Stockholm Sweden. Sanna is an energy intuitive and a conduit of transformation and alignment.
It's always a great experience being interviewed by deeply aware people, as their questions draw out so many great topics of discussion, insights and angles that may otherwise not receive air time. Thank you Sanna!
Watch here for:
🌏 Perspectives on the energies and astrology of 2020 and 2021
🌏 2021-2023: moving from the controlled or rebellious teenager phase into spiritual adulthood and autonomy
🌏 Change happening from a grass-roots level, flipping the pyramid upside-down
🌏 When and how did we lose our power and more importantly how can we empower ourselves
You can find out more about Sanna here:
(c) Dana Mrkich 2021
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2021