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R U OK Day

Sep 10 is R U OK Day every year in Australia. This year more than any other is a time to check in on your family and friends and take time to ask: R U Ok?

Sometimes people don’t ask this question because they don’t want to intrude, or bother someone, or they might think they won’t know the right thing to say if the answer is “No I’m not okay”. But don’t underestimate how powerful just asking is. It can make a person go from feeling alone and like no one cares, and like they don’t want to bother anyone, to feeling seen.

Also don’t underestimate the power of just listening. Often people just need to talk, without being judged, or told what to do, or have anyone try to fix things. When we’re given the space to talk, it clears our mind, it calms our feelings, and we can figure things out from there. To have someone trustworthy hold the space is sometimes all that was needed.

Reach out to someone today and ask “R U Ok?”

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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