
Text in image says:
“Instead of choosing to merely exist,
I urge you to experience Life. I urge you to Live”
This month’s She Fire theme of Self-Nurturing is a companion to last month’s ‘Wheel of Life.” In the Wheel of Life, the group was encouraged to look at all life areas, rank their level of fulfillment in each area, then choose three areas where they’d like to increase their fulfillment level. From there, they were prompted to implement into their lives something simple and doable, for each of the three areas, that would help them to increase their ranking of it by even 1 or 2 marks.
If the Wheel of Life represents all your life areas, this month’s theme of Self-Nurturing is part of the central hub of your wheel that holds everything together. (Self-Nurturing in the context of this content differs from ‘Self-Care’). When you put your wheel onto your bicycle or car, the central hub has to be locked in properly and working perfectly otherwise the wheel is going to come off. Likewise with life. It’s great to have lots of wonderful life areas all humming along, (or lots of ideas for how you’d like them to be), but if you don’t have a strong, well-functioning central hub then you run the risk of “the wheels are falling off the bus” to use a common expression!
If you need help with your Life Wheel, or the central hub which holds it all together (self-love, self-acceptance and self-nurturing which ideally run down the spokes to give each life area a soft cushion and strong, supportive foundation), come join us!
You get a month free trial so you have time to see if it’s for you
(c) Dana Mrkich 2021
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2021