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Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

In the wee hours of Dec 15 Sydney time, Dec 14 for most of the world, we have a Solar Eclipse at 23 deg Sagittarius.

To see what area of life is most likely to be influenced you need to look at your natal chart (you can get yours at for free), and see where 23 Sag lies. Are there any natal planets there or significant points? Also look to see if you have any planets or points at 23 degrees of any sign, as the eclipse will be aspecting them.

If you read your daily or monthly astro, or love to watch astro forecasts on you tube, read/watch for your Rising/Ascendant sign rather than for your Sun sign. Your personal chart runs on a House system from 1-12 with every house representing a different life area. If you are a Leo watching/reading a Leo forecast about this eclipse it will talk all about how this eclipse is in your 5th house, and be influencing creativity, children, romance etc BUT this is only mainly true for those with Leo RISING not Leo Sun! If you are a Leo or any other sign with say Capricorn Rising, watch/read Capricorn forecasts which will tell you this Eclipse will affect your 12th house. Or say you have Gemini Rising it will affect your 7th house.

Look to your Rising/Ascendant sign for the most accurate astro interpretation of any transit or eclipse.

Happy to answer any questions about how it works.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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